The candidate members of the representatives for the test match which will be held on June 21 are as follows...
*Depending on the success of national league games, unlisted player from below may be selected as official members.
1. danjaydanan (ST) - Manager
2. DonRizo23 (RM/RAM) - Captain
3. Eter632 (LM/LB)
4. Majutakgentar45 (ST/CM)
5. JNararya (LM)
6. YOER19 (CDM)
7. Chaen009 (CB)
8. dimdimkhan (GK)
9. Rizkyfauzi (CDM/LM)
10. ajamhehe (CAM)
11. Farsyah2000 (CDM)
12. Taavej- (CB)
13. Unitedchz (CAM/LM)
14. iSa_YaSseR (CB/RB)
15. Seancharly (CB)
16. bulbulbulb (CB)
17. aql1992 (CAM/RM/LM)
18. Fernaldicp (ST)
19. Serendipityz1309 (CM)
20. Nikzanitt (CDM)