国内外のeS-Leagueに関する最新ニュースからコラムやインタビューなど、サッカーゲームにまつわる情報を「eSgame times」で配信中!
THE BEST EVER, a stable streak in the CL area!
I felt the team's high level of collaboration from the previous section, and I got the impression that the team would be a threat if they keep their tactics .
This week is expected to be a struggle in a series of opposing teams of SEED JAPAN Plus and FC Bonds, but the result is a 2-0 against SEED JAPAN Plus and a 2-1 against FC Bonds, both games had a tiny difference .
Even in the overall results, there is no figure that stands out with a score of 8 points and 7 points, but it is a very interesting club as it felt like there is a a solidity in them .

In addition, it was noticable that they are destined to win .
FC Bonds


image: eS-League