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MK BOMBS is Leading !!
On May 24, the eS League Rounds 5 and 6 took place. In the 5th section, CASK United which has 1 win and 3 looses had the chance to score the 1st goal , , but 9 minutes later, B1CENTENNIAL_MAN took the cross from s_nbbbb2048 and finished the first half with a tie. In the second half, it took 72 minutes for the points to move. The cross from B1CENTENNIAL_MAN is reversed by a_tomo84 beautifully in volley. After that, they added 2 more points vertically which is also a team style, and won 4-1.

The 6th battle was a momentum! a direct match against the unbeaten leader SEED JAPAN NEXT this season! MK BOMB led as The first half 33 minutes siki428rocky-0914a_tomo84B1CENTENNIAL_MAN's stunning 3 pont shoots! ! After 39 minutes, he dropped his head from a vertical pong to CB to ST and then Ryutyan shot from the inside of PA with his foot from the pass. In the second half of the game, which started from 2-0, MK BOMB kept shining as 53 minutes into the pass from s_nbbbb2048, and the middle shot from the space where Ryutyan had made an extra point. Picked up the ball cleared by the other team in 62 minutes, and the pass s_nbbbb2048 from a_tomo84 made a middle shot and added more points. With the same score, SEED JAPAN NEXT takes 1 point from set play in 66 minutes, but the game ends at the pace of MK BOMB. If you notice, they got 8 points in 2 games! MK BOMB's brain muscle vertical pong football style is terrifying!!

CASK United

Report: Yoko Natsu

image: eS-League